Faraz Fallahi
Software Engineer
Hey there!
I use this webpage to share and bookmark various interesting links, especially related to my tech work.
Things I Recommend:
My Hobby Projects:
- Awesome C++ A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things.
- FakeSSH A dockerized fake SSH server honeypot written in Go that logs login attempts.
- QtHashSum File Checksum Integrity Verifier & Duplicate File Finder written in C++ Qt
- cppDES C++ implementation of Data Encryption Standard (DES, 3DES)
- Toefl-Speaking-Recorder Specialized Recorder for TOEFL Speaking
- DevToolbox.net A collection of useful developer tools
- mydistro Simple GNU/Linux distro compiled from source
- GameOfLife SFML-based Conway's Game of Life simulation in C++
- MarketCap.top
Favorite YouTube Channels:
Subreddits I subscribed to: